Academic Areas:
Research Interests: Tort Law, General Rules of Civil Law, Property Law
Title: Professor
Research Interests: Tort Law, General Rules of Civil Law, Property Law
Ph.D. in Civil Law, Peking University, 2003;
M.A in Civil Law, Peking University, 1998;
B.A in Atmosphere Science, Beijing Meteorology College, 1993.
Professional Experience
Professor of Law School, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (since 2007);
Associate Professor of Civil and Commercial Law School, Northwest University of Science and Law (since 2003);
Lecturer of Law School, Zhengzhou University (since 1999)
1. on the Legal Policy and Approach in Determination the Scope of Damages, CHINA LAW PRESS, 2015.
2. on Responsibility Undertaking of Damages Caused by Minors, China Renmin University Press, 2008, Under the "11th Five-Year Plan" of Key National Book Publishing Planning of China
3. Commentaries on the Ownership Part of China Property Law, Co-author, China Renmin University Press, 2007
4. on the Non-Property Compensation Law System of China, Co-author, China Wuhan University Press, 2004
5. Civil Law, Compiler Member, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2004
6. A Comparative Study on Guarantee System, Co-author, China Henan University Press, 2001
7. Studies on the Reform of State-owned Enterprises, Co-author, China Henan University press, 2000
1. A Historic Study on the ‘Portrait of civil subject’, CHINESE JOURNAL OF LAW, 2020(1).
2. Chinese civil law’s seventy years: lost in first thirty years, then fulfilled its systematization & scientization in later forty years, and nourished a forming civil society with characteristics of freedom and equality, JOUNAL OF HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(Social Science Edition), 2019(5).
3. A Comparison of Defences for Infringement to Reputation Right in Chinese and English Law and Some Suggestions on the Amendment of Chinese Law: Beginning With a Comment on the Reform of Defences by the Defamation Act 2013, COMPARATIVE LAW STUDY, 2015(3).
4. on the Foundation of Personality Right, JOUNAL OF HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(Social Science Edition), 2013(6).
5. on the Gender Equity With a Perspective of Anti-sexual-discrimination on Employment, JOUNAL OF HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(Social Science Edition), 2010(5).
6. on the Legal Policy’s Role in the Determination of the Scope of Damages, in Chinese journal of Law, 2009(6).
7. A Study on Unrestricted and Restricted Tortious Composing and Their Different Value, in Chinese journal of Law, 2006(5).
8. A Comment on the Compensation Rules of Minor’s Torts of China, the Collection of Post doctor’s Forum in Law, First Session: Rule of Law and its’ significance in developing a harmonious Society, Social Sciences Academic Press, China, 2006.
9. on the Protection and Improvement to A Buyers Right Under A Preselling Commercial Residential Building Contract, in Journal of Gansu Political and Law Institute, 2006(4)).
10. An Interrogatory to the Legal System of Personalty Hypothec, in Journal of northwest university of political and law, China, 2005(6).
11. A Study on the Effect of an Assignment Without Right, in the Disputes on soMe theoretical questions of Civil and commercial Law-an assignment without right, Edited by Wang Liming, China Renmin University Press, 2003
12. on the Morality in Roman Law, in Journal of China Legal Science, 2002, Supplementary Issue
13. A Study on the Rules of Presumption Right Should Apply to the Occupation on Registered Property Right, Researches on Property Law of china, edited by Wang Liming, China Jilin People's Publishing House, 2002(Revised Version)
14. A Study on the Rules of Presumption Right Should Apply to the Occupation on Registered Property Right, in Journal of northwest university of political and law, CHINA, 2001(4).
15. A Study on Shareholder’s Meeting, Civil and Commercial Law Review, 13th Volume, 2000.
16. A Study on the Formation and Effect of Contract, in Journal of China Zhengzhou University, 2000(6).
Awards and Honors
1. "Outstanding Achievements of Social Science Award", First Prize, The Ministry of Civil Affairs, P.R.C., Co-author of "On the withdrawal mechanism of nongovernmental organizations"
2. "Outstanding Achievements of Social Science Award", Third Prize, Wuhan Municipality, China, Author of "on the Legal Policy’s Role in the Determination of the Scope of Damages"
3. "Outstanding Achievements of Social Science Award", Third Prize, Xi’an Municipality, China, Author of "An Interrogatory to the Legal System of Personalty Hypothec"
4. "Outstanding Achievements of Social Science Award", Third Prize, Henan Province, China, Co-author of "Studies on the Reform of State-owned Enterprises"
5. "Outstanding Achievements of Social Science Award", First Prize, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, Author of "on the Legal Policy's Role in the Determination of the Scope of Damages"
6. "Outstanding Achievements of Social Science Award", First Prize, Henan Province, China, Co-author of "A Comparative Study on Guarantee System"
Tort Law, Property Law, Contract Law, General Principles of Civil Law, Civil Law
Social work
1. Standing Member of the China Civil Law Society
2. Vice Chairman of Hubei Civil Law Society