Academic Areas:
Research Interests:
Name: Chen, Chi-Shing
Working experience
2017.08.01-現今 政治大學法學院教授
2015.08.01-2017.07.31 政治大學法學院教授兼副院長
2002.08.01-2015.07.31 政治大學法學院教授
1994.02.01-2002.07.31 政治大學法學院副教授
1988.01.01-1989.07 Principal Scientist, Mead Data Central (Lexis/Nexis)
Academic background
1975-1979 政治大學法學士
1982-1984 M.S. Computer Science, University of North Texas
1991-1993 LLM, JSD, School of Law, University of California,Berkeley
1.已接受發表Chen, Chi-shing, "Aristotelian Ideas of law and the participative democracy", 29th World Congress of International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, July, 2019, Lucerne, Switzerland
2.已接受發表 陳起行,"荀子論法與先秦思想融合",第二十一屆國際中國哲學學術研討會,July, 2019, Bern, Switzerland.
3.Chen, Chi-Shing, "Virtue Jurisprudence: Aristotelian Equity and Category of Xunzi", presented at the 2018 Pacific Region Meeting of American Philosophy Association, San Diego, USA; 2018 Law and Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada; 24th World Congress of Philosophy, International Federation of Philosophical Societies
4.Chen, Chi-Shing. "Justice and Law in the Republic and Mencius." NTU L. Rev. 12 (2017): 177 (Westlaw, HeinOnline); first presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Mexico City, Mexico.
5.Chen, Chi-shing, 2016.12, "Chapter 1: Virtues and Law in Plato's Law", Historical and Philosophical Foundations of the European Legal Culture, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 1-18; first presented at 2015, World Congress of the Association of Legal and Social Philosophy (IVR) as "Reason and Passion in Plato's Laws";.
6.Chen, Chi-shing, 2016.06, "Wisdom: Heraclitus and Laozi", Legal Culture in Taiwan (II), Angle, Taiwan, 130-153; first presented at Academie du Midi, Alet les Bains, France, 2014.
7.Chen, Chi-shing, 2013, "Sincerity Based Proper Relationship: Socrates and Confucius" (to be published soon), 18th International Conference on Chinese Philosophy, International Association of Chinese Philosophy, published in Tate, Joshua C., José Reinaldo de Lima Lopes, and Andrés Botero Bernal, eds. Global Legal History: A Comparative Law Perspective. Routledge, Chapter 1, pp. 21-36.
8.Chen, Chi-shing, 2011, "Greek Idea of Justice and the Contemporary Need to Expand the Internal Legal Point of View", Justice - Theory and Practice, Nomos, pp. 41 - 59.
(二)近年出席國際會議及發表論文: 網路與法律主軸
1.Chen, Chi-shing, 2018, "Toward a General Design for e-Participation", in 新時代法學理論之建構與開創-- 劉鐵錚大法官八秩華 誕祝壽論文集, pp.77 - 88.
2.Chen, Chi-shing, 2012, "Privacy Protection and the New Legal Paradigm- Tradition and Development in Taiwan", Review of Policy Research, pp. 119-130. (SSCI, Research result of EU FP7 RISE project, I served as co-principal investigator)
3.Chen, Chi-shing, 2011, "Co-originality and Internet Law Making", IVR, Frankfurt, Germany; digital deposit, Frankfurt University.
4.Chen, Chi-shing, 2011, "Toward a General Design for e-Participation: Multi-partiality, Context Reflection, and Dialog Management", Annual Meeting of the Association of Law and Society, San Francisco, USA.
5.Chen, Chi-shing, 2011, "Digital Copyright Law Making and the Future Development of Egoverment", Soochow Law Review, Vol.22, No.3, pp.187-218 (TSSCI); first presented at the 10th International Conference of Legal Informatics, University of Salzburg College of Law, Salzburg, Austria.
6.Chen, Chi-shing, 2009, "Human Interaction and Legal Principle", IVR, Beijing, China, amended and published in 5.
7.Chen, Chi-shing, 2009, "The Internet and the Next Legal Paradigm: A Web-Assisted Regulatory Approach toward e-Harassment", First International Conference on Advances in Future Internet, AFIN 2009, IEEE, Athens, Greece.
8.Chen, Chi-shing, 2007, "The New Legal Paradigm of Jean Cohen and Its Implication on Public Online Dispute Resolution", EurAmerica, Vol.37, No.4, pp.513 -533 (TSSCI); first presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Baltimore, USA.
See: digm+of+Jean+Cohen+and+its+Implication+for+Public&btnG=&lr=
9.Chen, Chi-shing, 2005, "Toward a Discursive Basis of Public Reason in the Internet World", IVR, Granada, Spain; published in SooChow Law Review in Taiwan (TSSCI); first presented at 2005, IVR, Granada, Spain.
10.Chen, Chi-shing, 2003, "The Internet as a Forum of Law", IVR, Lund, Sweden; published in Law and Modernity: Particular Problems, ed. Ola Zetterquist, Polpress.
陳起行;江玉林;今井弘道;鄭泰旭, 2012.12, "後繼受時代的東亞法文化", 元照. |
陳起行, 2002, "美國軟體專利論, 1966-1991,", 美國軟體專利論, 1966-1991,,學林.. |
陳起行, 1999.03, "法形成與法典化 -- 法與資訊研究", 政大法律系法學 叢書 45,學林. |
陳起行, 2006, "由裁判理論的觀點析論 United States v. American Library Association", 美國聯邦最高法院判決評釋 2000-2003,中研院歐 美所. |
陳起行, 1997.03, "Multimedia and Its Copyright Implication", 智慧財產權 與國際私法,曾陳明汝教授祝壽論文集編輯委員會. |
陳起行, 2011.04, "由柏拉圖政治家篇論德行法理學", 政大法學評論, No.120, pp.49-94 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 2009.03, "由富勒人際交往的法理學論 MGM_vGrokster 案", 台大 法學論叢, Vol.38, No.1, pp.217-252 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 2008.06, "台灣法律資料庫及其個人資料之保護", 法令月刊, Vol.59, No.6, pp.99 - 109. |
陳起行, 2007.06, "美國數位著作保護的法理論述", 台大法學論叢, |
Vol.36, No.2, pp.131-164 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 2007.04, "由裁判理論的觀點論 United States v. American Library Association", 政大法學評論, No.96, pp.1-55 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 2007.03, "法義理學與法律思想史的關連性", 法令月刊, Vol.58, No.3, pp.23 - 34. |
陳起行, 2006.10, "網際網路時代論法學緒論課程之改進", 政大法學評論, No.93, pp.1-56 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 2003.10, "台灣法律資料庫現況", 調查研究, No.14, pp.133-154 (中研院人文社會科學研究中心 調查研究專題中心). |
陳起行, 2003.09, "由 Reno v. ACLU 一案論法院與網際網路之規範", 歐 美研究, Vol.33, No.3, pp.599-628 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 2002.03, "美國法理學發展概述, 1870 - 1970", 政大法學評論, Vol.0, No.69, pp.1-27 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 2001.12, "資訊著作的著作性與合理使用-事理 學理 及法制面研 究", 政大法學評論, No.68, pp.183-262 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 2001.04, "德國法資訊學", 法學叢刊, Vol.46, No.2, pp.79-85. |
陳起行, 2001.03, "Dworkin 法理學 融貫與法資訊系統", 政大法學評論, No.65, pp.1-85 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 2000.12, "資訊隱私權法理探討-以美國法為中心", 政大法學評 論, No.64, pp.297-341 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 1997.06, "由美國不正競爭法之排除適用探討智慧財產權法理念 ", 政大法學評論, Vol.57, pp.451-466 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 1996.12, "資訊法律的整合研究—以美國法律界因應軟體專利及 著作權為中心", 政大法學評論, No.56, pp.239-258 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 1996.09, "美國商標專利局與軟體專利性,1966-1989—行政機關 命令權限的個案研究", 歐美研究, Vol.26, No.3, pp.25-48 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 1994.07, "美國發明審查基準的沿革", 工業財產權與標準, pp.80-97 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 1994.06, "Software Protection in the United States: Copyright v. Unfair Competition", 輔仁法學, No.13, pp.1-28. |
陳起行, 1994.06, "Patentability Standard and Softward Patent Protection", 政大法學評論, No.55, pp.1-28 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 1994.05, "不當獲利與著作權--美聯社控告國際新聞案的省思", . |
陳起行, 1993.12, "Software Patentability in the United States: A Case Study |
of Courts and Social Policy", 政大法學評論, No.49, pp.241-268 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 1993.06, "United States Computer Software Copyright Cases Analysis", 政大法學評論, No.43, pp.285-310 (TSSCI). |
陳起行, 1993, "美國政府體系內的聯邦法院--歷史,現狀,與改革的需要", 司法周刊, . |
陳起行, 1993, "美國個人電腦數據機專利問題", 資訊傳真, . |
陳起行, 1992.12, "美國軟體專利法律問題研究", 法務透析,資訊工業策 進會, pp.23-39. |
陳起行, 1992, "電腦輔助的筆錄製作系統簡介", 司法周刊, . |
陳起行, 1992, "歐陸各國電腦輔助的法院系統概觀", 司法周刊, . |
陳起行, 1992, "研究介紹與探討--改進美國聯邦法院圖書館系統", 司法 周刊, . |
陳起行, 1992, "研究介紹--美國聯邦法院民事訴訟統計概觀", 司法周刊, . |
陳起行, 1992, "由美國專利商標局的經驗談專利資訊系統", 新知選粹,中 央標準局, . |
陳起行, 1984.08, "電腦輔助的法學研究系統", 法務通訊, . |
Laurent Mayali
Lloyd m. Robbins professor of law
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Tel: 510-642-2327 | Fax: 510-642-8325
429 Boalt Hall (North Addition), Berkeley, CA 94720 MC:7200
Prof. dr. Tom M. van Engers
Professor in Legal Knowledge Management University of Amsterdam/Faculty of Law Leibniz Center for Law
+31 20 525 3494
+31 20 525 2179
Charles Melvin Ess
Professor - Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo E-post:
Telefon: +47-22850404
Michael Gagarin
James R. Dougherty, Jr. Centennial Professor Emeritus Department of Classics
The University of Texas at Austin E-mail: Phone: 471-8864
Professor Christopher Gill
Emeritus Professor of Ancient Thought Email:
Extension: 4270
Telephone: 01392 724270